Approaching Colour



When choosing any large investment piece for your home, the normal rule is to keep it simple with a neutral palette. Think of your wardrobe choices: when purchasing a suit, probably we’d be conservative… Navy? Grey? Brown? And let crazy stockings or ties jazz it up.

The same thing with a sofa—pick a beautiful Neutral base and then let the toss cushions or that single comfy chair sing. A wonderful patterned fabric, texture and/or colour to add spark. Like a jewel. If it’s a Knoll Womb Chair in mohair velvet even better!

Certainly, this is a safe way to play it. And here in Vancouver, it is a basic standard to keep it neutral. 

But sometimes rules are to be broken, in so many cultures, colour reigns supreme. And I’ve seen it here and it is very comforting. A beautiful oak floor, neutral walls and a rich violet B&B Italia Charles sectional. Stunning.

Gallery 9 299 bebitalia H06 sofa Charles 01 jpg

Last year when we could travel, we visited Le Corbusier’s apartment in Paris that was newly reopened. He understood colour and how to use it, spaces are for the inhabitants and his spaces worked fabulously that way.


So rules about colour??? I’m not sure, when Niels and I planned our home in West Vancouver, many years ago, I really wanted a rich red wall in the living room. I had worked opposite the colour in the ’70s when I worked at the Fondation Le Corbusier in Paris, and I loved it. So we did it, painted the wall, and in about a week repainted the wall white. There was too much going on with the view and the amazing greenery outside, which made white the right choice.  So I guess it’s all about context and setting, not about rules!

And there is a question for you, what is your go-to white paint? And from what manufacturer?

We here at Inform have long been enamoured with colour—from artists like Hockney to the food on our plates—we embrace it. The current window displays at our 50 & 97 Water Street showrooms have beautiful settings showcasing the impact of colour. Additionally, in our bookstore, we have a plethora of titles about colour. Please come in, browse, and be inspired.